Monday, April 07, 2008


I've had a really rough time these past couple of weeks and spent most of Saturday morning at the hospital in severe pain. I came down with severe vertigo two weeks ago and due to the severe dizziness and nausea this has caused I've not been eating and drinking enough. This lack of intake plus the multiple surgeries I've had on both ureters (the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder) caused them to go into spasm which is like having a kidney stone only without the stone. It's difficult to treat and excrutiatingly painful. When I got to the hospital my b/p was 115/102 (normal is 110-140/60-90) and this, plus the CT scan, indicated the pain was from my kidneys. I was given large amounts of diuladid which is a heavy duty IV pain medicine and some anti-nausea meds called Zofran. After about three times the usual dose of diuladid, the pain was better. Since then the pain has slowly eased off.

I'm very grateful I had a good, understanding doctor. Lots of times when doctors see how much pain medication I take on a daily basis they get concerned about giving too much when in reality I would need much more than the normal dose because of being on cancer-level doses of pain meds. The CT scan showed the mass/tumor in my kidney hasn't grown significantly larger for which I am also thankful.

Anyway, the point of this blog posting is to tell you of a blog I've been reading called Confessions of a CF Husband that has really helped me to keep my physical problems in perspective. Please read it when you get a moment. It's a wonderful story of a young couple undergoing mind-boggling adversity yet throughout it all being in complete dependance on Christ, knowing He will be with them throughout all they are going through. It's a wonderful story of overcoming and makes me long for a fraction of the grace and faith Nate & Tricia have!